Monday, September 27, 2010

mao balik kL,,

8.9.2010..naik bas kat terminal makmur-->tdo 3 jam setgh,,-->bukak mate,,waa...da smpi kL!!
pstu,,tgu ayh/abg amik kat bustop,,cpt2 nk smpi slyg cpt..waa,,cpt la~
<gian nk blik> lalala~

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I've studied maple for 7 weeks,with Dr. Muhammad Salihi Abd. Hadi. Within the seven weeks,i've learn how to solve a lot of mathematical problems by using maple software. On the very beginning, i felt like it is very complicated, but later on,i found that doing maple is fun. If you are curious to know more about maple, you can click this url to explore it.

cd installer
Table below shows some of the occupational field that applying maple.

Engineering Education Applied research
  • control system design
  • mechatronics
  • machine design
  • mathematics education
  • engineering education
  • testing and assessment
  • financial modelling
  • opperations recearch
  • high performance computing