Wednesday, October 20, 2010

mao balik,,

 nk balik lagi..
tp balik blik jela..rumahku jaoh..hoho~


      My entry today is about XML. XML was designed to describe data and focus what data is. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language.Is a markup language much like HTML. Uses a DTD or an XML schema to describe the data. With a DTD or XML Schema is designed to self-descriptive. My assignment today is about creating XML tree, XML table and XML documentation. below are all my work. 

32 100
40 50

The below XML documentation represents the table above:

   <STUDENTS = "32">
   <STAFF = "40">

   <STUDENTS = "100">
   <STAFF = "50">

This provided link will show you more about XML. Try yourself!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


We've learn about the scatter plot in excel.Below are several objectives of learning excel.

  1. Enter and format data in an Excel spreadsheet in a form appropriate for graphing
  2. Create a scatter plot from spreadsheet data
  3. Insert a linear regression line (trendline) into the scatter plot
  4. Use the slope/intercept formula for the regression line to calculate a x value for a known y value
  5. Explore curve fitting to scatterplot data
  6. Create a connected point (line) graph
  7. Place a reference line in a graph

If you click this link, you will be able to know more about excel.
Below are some of my work done by using excel.

Beer's Law

Titration of 50 mL of 0.1M HCL with 0.1M NaOH

Titration of 50 mL of 0.1M HCL with 0.1M NaOH

The graph of temperature versus percentage injured

The graph of year versus housing start


Chemsketch is about drawing chemical structures and graphical image.In this topic,we learnt how to use Draw mode tools for creating the following objects.

Creating graphical objects
  1. A diagram of the energy of reaction
  2. Various types of orbitals
  3. Vacuum distillation apparatus
  4. A two-chain DNA strand
  5. Lipids and micelles

I have try so hard to accomplish this  tutorial and finally done. Below are my works.
A diagram of the energy of reaction

Various types of orbitals

Vacuum distillation apparatus

A two-chain DNA strand

Lipids and micelles 
If you are eager to try,you can download the software from this link and start to enjoy yourself!


    My post today is about Protein Data Bank (PDB). The data, typically obtained by x-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy and submitted by biologists and biochemists from around the world, are freely accessible on the internet. The PDB is overseen by an organization called the Worldwide Protein Data Bank,wwPDB.
The PDB archive contains information about experimentally-determined structures of proteins, nucleic acids, and complex assemblies.The RCSB PDB also provides a variety of tools and resources. Users can perform simple and advanced searches based on annotations relating to sequence, structure and function. These molecules are visualized, downloaded, and analyzed by users who range from students to specialized scientists.

    By using Raswin or Rasmol software, we can see the 3-D structural data of large biological molecules, such as nucleic acids and proteins. Any molecule can be seen in 3-D view from many side. Just click and drag the mouse and then the molecule will start to change it's shape. As you can see below,these four pictures represent the same molecules but in different structure.

picture 1

picture 2

picture 3

picture 4

 If you go to this url , try to type lonA at the search box. Then you'll find out below protein is one of the example of lonA protein.
Crystal structures of Bacillus subtilis Lon protease
Below are some of information about structure displayed above.

scientific name Bacillus subtilis
expression system Escherichia Coli
experimental method x-ray diffraction
classification hydrolase
structure weight 48027.40
molecule ATP-dependent protease La 1
polimer type polipeptide (L)
fragment BsLon, N-terminal domain

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


 Today,I've learn how to draw simple molecular structure by using The simplified molecular input line entry specification or SMILE. If you want to know more about SMILE,you can click this url  to experience your self . As you can see below,those are all my work. In Picture 1, I write the molecular formula of each compound  manually. 
And in Picture 2,3, and 4 I' ve draw the molecules by using chemsketch software.  

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Table below are some  features that we learn in SMILE.

[H+] Chloroethene
[OH-] Ethene
[OH3+] 1,1-Dichloroethane

I hope that you will enjoy yourself!

Monday, September 27, 2010

mao balik kL,,

8.9.2010..naik bas kat terminal makmur-->tdo 3 jam setgh,,-->bukak mate,,waa...da smpi kL!!
pstu,,tgu ayh/abg amik kat bustop,,cpt2 nk smpi slyg cpt..waa,,cpt la~
<gian nk blik> lalala~

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I've studied maple for 7 weeks,with Dr. Muhammad Salihi Abd. Hadi. Within the seven weeks,i've learn how to solve a lot of mathematical problems by using maple software. On the very beginning, i felt like it is very complicated, but later on,i found that doing maple is fun. If you are curious to know more about maple, you can click this url to explore it.

cd installer
Table below shows some of the occupational field that applying maple.

Engineering Education Applied research
  • control system design
  • mechatronics
  • machine design
  • mathematics education
  • engineering education
  • testing and assessment
  • financial modelling
  • opperations recearch
  • high performance computing